Internal Storms
A fine art print of the original painting
'Internal Storms' Mixed Media Canvas 91x122cm
Melina created a personal painting, that explores themes associated with her internal struggles. Influenced and formed her emotions during the creative process. A fusion of expressive abstraction and realism - a surreal dark portrait.
‘Internal Storms’ is a visual representation of suppressed emotions and feelings. An invisible battle brought to the surface - a conflicted mind overflowing through self. The artwork honours vulnerability through self expression.
The striking painting connected with many people on a deep level. It was subjective, as the interpretation of its meaning were slightly differently per viewer as it was influenced by individual personal experiences, feelings and what they saw.
Melina starting off by burning a sage smudge stick to cleanse the space and allowing calm energy to flow. Then scratched it onto the canvas (like charcoal). Followed by brushing on acrylic paint with a range of different brushes, melancholy tones and finished with written words outlining the figure.